Retirement Planning

One of the biggest areas of concern our clients talk to us about is planning for the day they will eventually retire. Pensions can be a great cause of uncertainty, with large sums of money held in multiple pots through changes of employment over people’s lifetime. Our aim is to help relieve this uncertainty to ensure that, once your working life is over and you start a new chapter, you will be financially comfortable and able to do all the things you hope to do.

We make this possible by creating accurate projections of your income upon retirement, understanding what level of risk you’re comfortable with when planning financial solutions, recommending funds and giving ongoing investment performance reviews. We also review any old pensions you have in place, accumulated through multiple employers.

Because we are there with you for the long-term, you can feel confident that you have one trusted adviser who knows your whole situation and your financial and life objectives.

Warning: The value of pension and the income they produce can fall as well as rise, you may get back less than you invested.


Group Pension Schemes