Cookies Policy
We use cookies to help you use our online services (including our websites and applications) more effectively, to help us analyse how these online services are used and to tailor our products and services to your needs. Further information on when cookies are used to collect personal information about you is set out below.
If you would like to manage which cookies we store on your device, please click on .
For more information, you may wish to visit the Information Commissioner’s Office website at
Cookie descriptions
For further information about the cookies shown above, click followed by "Cookies Details".
Using your browser to block or control cookies
You are also able to configure your browser to allow, reject or notify you when a cookie is set up. As each browser is different we are not able to offer specific advice on how to change your preferences however we recommend that you check the “Help” menu of your browser where you will most likely find more information on how to change your cookie preferences.
Please bear in mind that should you reject all cookies or delete cookies previously installed cookies, parts of our websites may no longer function properly and you may be required to change your browser settings before you can proceed.