Annabel Speakman DipPFS
“Financial planning can be at best complicated and at worst intimidating. By being approachable, clear and efficient, I aim to demystify so we arrive at the most suitable solution.”
Annabel is a Senior Financial Adviser with an Advanced Diploma. Her specialisms are Defined Benefit Transfers and Mortgages. Annabel is well renowned for her supportive and thorough approach. She is also a regular contributor to the Money section of The Independent, meaning many of us have benefited from her sound advice.
Annabel has a real passion for learning. She is currently working towards chartered status and believes that good old-fashioned knowledge is how she can truly offer her clients the most suitable service. This tenacity goes beyond her work and into her favourite hobby, cycling. She also loves baking and being outdoors with her family.
Transferring out of a Final Salary scheme is unlikely to be in the best interests of most people.