Alex Brooks DipPFS

Alex has worked for Amicus Wealth for 5 years and in the finance industry for over 10. He is committed to helping his clients build a strong financial plan and understands that every client’s plan will be unique. By getting clients engaged with their own plan, Alex can maximise the advice he gives. Outside of work, Alex enjoys a summer afternoon keeping wicket for his cricket team and in between the sticks during winter for his 5 a side team.

Tel: 0203 727 6691

Mob: 0791 209 3214



  • “I found the experience enlightening and feel very comfortable with the advice given”

    Based on my financial status and age I would recommend Amicus to talk through the various investments in the market because they will come up with a good fit. I found the experience enlightening and feel very comfortable with the advice given and the decisions made.


  • "Provided Market Knowledge"

    Amicus Wealth, instilled some confidence and I was reassured that they are a professional, regulated, independent firm who would be able to provide me with expert advice. Alex helped me start a professional relationship which gained my trust, understanding my circumstances and provided market knowledge for me to gain an overview of the investment.
